Imagine the Possibilities - Corporate Office



1710 E Maple St.
Maquoketa, 52060

Phone Numbers

Business Fax

(563) 652-4872


(563) 652-5252


Imagine the Possibilities - Corporate Office


Eligibility: Open to anyone w/ mental illness or disability.
Service Description: Programs that maintain information about community resources for the disabled (i.e. physical, cognitive, etc.) and their caregivers which link individuals who are in need of specialized services with appropriate resources and/or which provide information about community agencies and organizations that offer specialized services.
Background Checks: Yes
*Services began in 1973 and are still growing, giving our company 45 years supporting individuals with disabilities.
*!€œIndividual Achievement
!€œAnd one more thing!€¦we believe in having FUN whenever possible! Quite simply, the consumers of our services are best served in an environment that promotes laughter and joy, a place where life is celebrated and energies are not focused on barriers or what seems to be impossible. Rather, we intend to focus the full force of our energy on seeing beyond disability and imagining all that is possible! We believe that people with disabilities need to do for themselves as much as possible. We can provide teaching, options, support and the necessary skills and tools, but only they can combine all of these resources and bring their own dreams to life.

last updated 2/6/24 ngk


24 hours a day, 7 days a week




Address Listings

Business (Primary)

1710 E Maple St.
Maquoketa, 52060

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